Why it is Important to understand the End Times

WorldChristians have various views and understandings about the end times, but we all arrive at the same conclusion.   JESUS IS COMING BACK AGAIN.   We are in the last days and his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, all Christians agree.   Then why is there so much controversy?

Where there is a quest for greater understanding and growth there is often controversy. As believers, we are admonished to grow in grace and knowledge of the truth.   However, in the process of growth we should not judge one another for we grow at different rates and understanding comes to us at different times and in different ways.

End time prophecies came by revelation and understanding the (endtime) come by the Holy Spirit.   In my study of scripture and learning how the apostles interpreted scripture,  I found they used spiritual discernment.    That is to say, their interpretation was not based on fulfillment of the scripture by or through the fleshly descendants of Abraham (The Jews), but through the spiritual descendants of Abraham by faith through the seed which is Christ.

I have found that the most popular end time prophecy views taught today all see the fulfillment of the end times being through or by the natural descendants of Abraham, that is those of Jewish descent by blood.   They see the promises to those of Jewish descent as being unfulfilled by scripture and that biblical end times will fulfill the promises made to the Jews.

Men seek to understand biblical prophecy through the natural realm some even suggesting various codes that lead them to interpreting or identifying men in their generation as being the fulfillment of a prophecy.   While this is possible, most of the figures identified as the fulfillment of prophecy through the generations can not be truly harmonized with the finished work of Christ.  This makes such interpretations speculations  from the natural mind.

The true bible code is Christ.  He is the key.  In this blog I will venture to show that all prophecy points to Christ and that the promises are only for those that have complete faith in Christ.


2Co 1:20 For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.

I believe an incorrect understanding of prophecy leads to a false expectation by those who hear it, however; I do not believe true believers are harmed by it because we all have one true expectation which is  Christ.  However, an erroneous view can dilute the message even making God appear a respecter of persons and making some less receptive to the gospel.    Some views are natural minded interpretations or the end of the world predictions that erroneously teach the Jews of natural descent that a time of salvation is reserved for them although they presently reject Christ. To those who receive them, such interpretations are to their detriment.  In this blog we will examine the primary views of eschatology and test them by scripture.   That which we believe to be in complete harmony with scripture we will hold fast.

(KJV) 1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

The videos posted below provide a preview of some of the topics we will be discussing


